Saturday 7 November 2015

LED- The Example of Efficiency

Light Emitting Diode is a semi conductor which emits light when electricity is passed through it.  It was first discovered in 1907 but came in effective use by the year 1962. In the modern world, LEDs are being used in high numbers and slowly are taking over the traditional fluorescent lighting.  Today, LED lightings are available for every possible utility. 

Some of the famous LED lights are as follows: 
  • LED Area and Flood lights
  • LED retro kits
  • Parking lot lights
  • LED sports lighting
  • High bay lights
  • Low bay lights

These lights are better than the traditional lights in every possible way. There are several reasons why LED is slowly taking away the lighting market. Lets discuss some of these factors about these lightings.

Environment Friendly

LEDs are made from toxic free material, which makes them eco friendly. Fluorescent lights contain a lot of harmful elements such as mercury which are highly dangerous for one’s health and also pollutes the environment. Whereas, LED lights are made from recyclable material which puts LED up front in this case.   

Free of Ultra Violet Radiations

Most conventional lightings emit ultra violet rays, the same rays which are found in sun which are capable of causing skin cancer. These rays are shielded by our ozone but the fluorescent lights produce these rays inside our homes. Thus, LED is better as it does not emit any kind of ultra violet radiation.

Works on low voltage

We are in phase of time where saving energy is very important as we have been burning our resources rapidly.  LEDs work on very low voltage saving a lot of energy than traditional lighting and saving energy means saving money as well, thus it becomes a better choice.

No wastage of energy

A traditional bulb or fluorescent lights burn a lot of energy in generating heat which is the reason why we feel hot if we touch a recently switched off light. But LEDs are efficient and does not waste any energy in the form of heat, thus making it a better source of light.

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