Thursday 17 December 2015

Metal Halide Light Fixtures: Bulbs Ahead of Generation

Metal halide lamps are high intensity discharge (HID) illuminating systems comprised of glass bulb which is joined with a range of wires having other glass bulbs connected to it. When electricity passes through the glass bulb, the gas and metal salts in the bulb produces light.

Metal halide bulbs are used mostly in stadiums, warehouses, or in industries where idiosyncratic colors are crucial. Low wattage metal halide lighting systems are used by many grocery stores where lighting quality matters.

Benefits of metal halide lighting systems:

The first advantage of metal halide systems is that they provide instant lighting. A metal halide fixture can provide hundred watts of light while other types of light fixtures need several units to give same amount of light.

Metal halide lighting systems also provide artistic benefits that cannot be reproduced by any other lighting systems. The concentrated emission of light creates a beautiful sparkling effect which looks breath taking.

Types of metal halide bulbs:

Metal halide illuminating systems are available in two styles: single ended screw base and double ended style.  These bulbs are available in several color temperatures and wattage. But most significantly, metal halide LED light fixtures fall under either “probe-start” or “pulse-start” system.  These light fixtures are can be used in specific systems; this means it will not work with different systems.

Though, metal halide bulbs are quite pricey as compare to traditional illuminating systems but when you compare price with its service, you will find it really worth it.  Also, price of this system is coming down gradually with increasing demand.  These bulbs are highly durable compare to traditional bulbs as they do not require much care and maintenance.

Purchase Metal-halide light fixtures online:

There are many electric shops from where you can buy metal-halides bulbs online. A thorough research on net will help you to find many such online shops which sell branded metal-halide illuminating bulbs at nominal rate.  

Saturday 5 December 2015

Reasons and Guidelines to Replace your Lighting Today!

LED- Light emitting diode was first discovered in 1927 by Oleg Losev, his research then got popular and finally in 1951 Kurt Lehovec, Carl Accardo and Edward Jamgochian explained the mechanism of a light emitting diode using an apparatus containing SiC crystals.

Since that time, LED has grown exponentially in the field of science throughout the world. It has developed and now it is available in every electronic store.

LEDs are used for different purposes for example:
  • LED garage light.
  • Outdoor light poles
  • In Room lights.
  • Sports light fixtures.
  • Flood lights.
  • Retro/party lights.

LEDs are better than any conventional lights like Fluorescent lighting, bulbs because of the following reasons:
  • They are made from innocuous material, so they don’t harm the environment and reduces the carbon footprint.
  • These lights have longer life as they don’t produce heat.
  • They don’t produce unnecessary heat so every bit of energy is used in producing light, hence energy efficient.
  • LED lights are shock and vibrations resistant hence are ideal for outdoor lighting.
  • Unlike other traditional forms of light, LEDs does not emit UV radiation.
  • They come in different designs and styles, so they are quite flexible.
  • Individual diodes in a light can be controlled creating amazing patterns in light.
  • It requires very low voltage to shine and saves power.
  • It is resistant to any form of weather and that is the reason all the traffic signals are of LED lights.

If you are planning to change the harmful lighting at your home and want to get the power of LED, here are few tips that can get you started?
  • List all the type of lights you need or want to change.
  • Lights like Bedroom light, lamps, bathroom lights, garage, kitchen, front porch etc.
  • Look online for the LED light services and look for the popular ones in the field.
  • Compare the rates offered by all the different companies.
  • Check for the warranty policies provided by various firms.
  • Read reviews about the company that you think may provide the best products.
  • See if the company is charging for installation as well or not, some companies might give you free installation as it sometime gets difficult to change them by yourself.
  • Once you are satisfied make the deal with right organization before making sure about any hidden or extra charges. 

Thursday 12 November 2015

Significance of a Diode Emitting Light

LED stands for Light emitting diode which is a semiconductor of a p-n junction and emits light when the electricity passes through it because of the release of photons. LED is one of the most sensible form of lighting as it protects environment, uses less power consumption and utilizes the energy without wasting it into any other form but light.

Following are the reasons why LED is the most efficient source of lighting and less harmful than the rest of types of lighting:
  • They are made from innocuous material, so they don’t harm the environment and reduces the carbon footprint.
  • These lights have longer life as they don’t produce heat.
  • They don’t produce unnecessary heat so every bit of energy is used in producing light, hence energy efficient.
  • LED lights are shock and vibrations resistant hence are ideal for outdoor lighting.
  • Unlike other traditional forms of light, LEDs does not emit UV radiation.
  • They come in different designs and styles, so they are quite flexible.
  • Individual diodes in a light can be controlled creating amazing patterns in light.
  • It requires very low voltage to shine and saves power.
  • It is resistant to any form of weather and that is the reason all the traffic signals are of LED lights.

LED garage light, Parking lights, In Room lights, Sports light fixtures, Flood lights are some of the examples of LED lights which are being used extensively by the population of human beings. If you want a source of lighting that saves money, health and environment then replace all your lights with LED.

Read about LEDs as lights and you will get you know that it may be a little more expensive than the traditional lights but it uses less energy, utilizes the energy and also cheaper to maintain than any other form of light. LED means light emitting diode, the lights composes several LEDs to make a light, so if one LED gets damaged; it can be replaced by other with dirt cheap rates. 

Saturday 7 November 2015

LED- The Example of Efficiency

Light Emitting Diode is a semi conductor which emits light when electricity is passed through it.  It was first discovered in 1907 but came in effective use by the year 1962. In the modern world, LEDs are being used in high numbers and slowly are taking over the traditional fluorescent lighting.  Today, LED lightings are available for every possible utility. 

Some of the famous LED lights are as follows: 
  • LED Area and Flood lights
  • LED retro kits
  • Parking lot lights
  • LED sports lighting
  • High bay lights
  • Low bay lights

These lights are better than the traditional lights in every possible way. There are several reasons why LED is slowly taking away the lighting market. Lets discuss some of these factors about these lightings.

Environment Friendly

LEDs are made from toxic free material, which makes them eco friendly. Fluorescent lights contain a lot of harmful elements such as mercury which are highly dangerous for one’s health and also pollutes the environment. Whereas, LED lights are made from recyclable material which puts LED up front in this case.   

Free of Ultra Violet Radiations

Most conventional lightings emit ultra violet rays, the same rays which are found in sun which are capable of causing skin cancer. These rays are shielded by our ozone but the fluorescent lights produce these rays inside our homes. Thus, LED is better as it does not emit any kind of ultra violet radiation.

Works on low voltage

We are in phase of time where saving energy is very important as we have been burning our resources rapidly.  LEDs work on very low voltage saving a lot of energy than traditional lighting and saving energy means saving money as well, thus it becomes a better choice.

No wastage of energy

A traditional bulb or fluorescent lights burn a lot of energy in generating heat which is the reason why we feel hot if we touch a recently switched off light. But LEDs are efficient and does not waste any energy in the form of heat, thus making it a better source of light.